Sheikh al-Habib Position On The Assassination Of Nasrallah

Sheikh al-Habib Position On The Assassination Of Nasrallah

Sheikh al-Habib Position On The Assassination Of Nasrallah 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.
May Allah bless Muhammad and his Family and damn their enemies.

Sheikh al-Habib received the news of Hassan Nasrallah’s assassination, and his response is as follows: 

In these circumstances, people are prone to allow their emotions to dictate their position. However, whether driven by resentment or adoration, emotional reasoning leads to either excess or neglect. As for the Rafidi Shia believers, they must ensure – as much as possible – to seek balance in their decision-making and never base their position on feelings. A believer’s position must always be based on sound reasoning, the principles of the faith, and the ideals of nobility and honour. 

With that in mind, our faith does not permit us to call a martyr a deviant individual who followed an unjust tyrannical Imam and spread the corrupt ideology of the batriya that expresses respect and glorification of the killers and enemies of the pure household (peace be upon them); and a man – blinded by the extent of his reach and power – who embarked on a brutal campaign to oppress, assault and torture many believers to suppress the Rafidi Islamic awakening that is taking place in our nation. So, to those who call him a martyr, grieve him, or ask God’s mercy upon him: You are not one of us. 

Likewise, our intellect does not allow us to side with the agendas of the Zionist enemy in destroying the strongholds of the resistance that remain in this nation – irrespective of their many shortcomings – because if left unchecked, Zionism will pose an existential threat to Islam and the remembrance of Muhammad (peace be upon him and his household). It would also bring us great dishonour to cheer with joy and laud the Zionist enemy for what they did, and continue to do, or behave in a manner that could be interpreted as taking the side of the enemy. It would also bring us shame to turn a blind eye to the suffering of the bereaved and the cries of the orphans, even if they are the families of those who we were at odds with. So, to those who gloat over the death of Hassan, cheer, or react to it immaturely: You are not one of us. 

Resistance, as a principle, is something that we will never back down from. Our aim is that the resistance, as an organisational and ideological movement consisting of formations, parties, and factions, is reformed and regulated in a manner that is deemed acceptable by God, Exalted be He, and the Imam of Our Age (peace be upon him), so that we may attain our victory. Our Prophet and our pure Imams (peace be upon them) have said: ‘Even If the batriya formed a unified line from the east to the west, God will never bring glory to his faith at their hands,’ and ‘A man who believes in an unjust Imam not sent by God has no faith,’ and ‘Any nation that chooses a man to follow while a more knowledgeable one exists will continue to stagnate and deteriorate until they return to the one they did not choose.’  

This is a lesson for all those deceived and carried away by those fiery speeches, the glittering slogans, the inspiring parades, and the exaggerated claims. It has been revealed to all how weak the batri regime of Khamenei – with all its affiliated groups and organisations – truly is, and how far the infiltration of the Zionist enemy went, going as far as to be able to pinpoint the location of its top leadership with extreme accuracy and to eliminate them with ease. The Zionist enemy demolished their seats of power, their secure strongholds, their hideouts, and their weapon storage facilities with as little ordnance as possible while the Iranian regime’s ‘retaliation’ consisted of measly missile and drone strikes that did nothing but light up the sky in a display of fireworks.  

Victory is not achieved with slogans and parades, nor is it achieved with just missiles and drones. Victory is achieved by reforming our relationship with God, Exalted be He; and by walking the path of His pure successors (blessings of God upon them); and by embracing the title of ‘Rejection’ once more, a title that represents the truest form of resistance in the face of all tyrants – past and present. We shall be victorious when we stop using our faith as a tool to achieve regional dominance and power, and we will be victorious when we stop appointing false religious leadership to legitimise our worldly ambitions.

Let the Zionists, their Nasibi brothers, the traitorous ‘normalisers,’ and the scum of this nation know that those who are united by a pact of allegiance to the one who flattened the gates of Khaybar (peace be upon him), no matter what disputes and disagreements arise between them, when disaster strikes and the existence and the future of the nation of Muhammad (prayers be upon him) is under threat, they will put their disagreements aside and unite under one banner, so do not cheer your onslaught and perceived success; our own, God willing, is soon to come. 
O you who believe, if you aid [the cause of] God, He will support you, and He will strengthen your foothold. And those who disbelieve: for them is ruin, and He will render their deeds astray (away from their mark).’’

Sheikh al-Habib

The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib