IMAM ALI (Peace Be Upon Him)
"Ask in order to understand, do not ask in order to find faults"


Are there specific deeds that bring about suitable marriage?

Are there specific deeds that bring about suitable marriage? 1080 1080 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

QUESTION: What deeds, or acts of worship could I carry out to bring about a suitable marriage? ANSWER: In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.May Allah bless Muhammad and his Family and damn their enemies. Sheikh al-Habib recommends the following A’mal (acts of worship): Recite the following verse 14 times after every prayer: Rabbi Lā Tadharnī Fardaw-Wa ‘Anta…

Why do you condemn the Sahaba, when the Qur’an praises them?

Why do you condemn the Sahaba, when the Qur’an praises them? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

QUESTION: Shall we believe your words in condemnation of the Sahaba, or shall we believe the Book of Allah that praises them? Allah (Exalted is He) says: Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and those who are with him are strong against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves. You see them kneeling and prostrating due to the mark of prostration…

Are there narrations describing Paradise? And is there sexual intercourse in Paradise?

Are there narrations describing Paradise? And is there sexual intercourse in Paradise? 834 834 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

QUESTION: Are there narrations of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) describing Paradise? And is there sexual intercourse in Paradise? Or is it how some of the ‘Sunni’ scholars claim; that there are no reproductive organs in Paradise and that intercourse there is by looking only? ANSWER: In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.May Allah bless Muhammad and…

Should I expose the crimes of Abu Bakr and Umar if it puts me at risk?

Should I expose the crimes of Abu Bakr and Umar if it puts me at risk? 1600 1390 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

QUESTION: Openly dissociating from the enemies of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) is potentially dangerous for me, and there’s a chance I might be imprisoned and tortured but not killed. Would I be rewarded for this act, or am I not permitted from doing such a thing and put my well-being at risk? ANSWER: In the Name of Allah,…

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Can you guide us to Shi’a books about the Holy Qur’an? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Can you guide us to Shi’a books about the Holy Qur’an?

QUESTION: There are many Shia books about the sciences of the Holy Qur’an and its laws, however many of them rely upon or copy…

Was Aisha a virgin when she married the Prophet? 960 540 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Was Aisha a virgin when she married the Prophet?

QUESTION: I heard from one of our lectures, where you concluded that Aisha (may Allah’s curses be upon her) was not a virgin when…

Does the Noble Quran have clarifications for all things? 1920 1080 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Does the Noble Quran have clarifications for all things?

QUESTION: Concerning these two verses: And We have sent down upon you the Book as clarification for all things.Qur’an 16:90 In fact, the Quran…

How was Ali patient towards Omar who defiled the sanctity of his wife? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

How was Ali patient towards Omar who defiled the sanctity of his wife?

QUESTION: You guys say that Imam Ali didn’t kill Omar after he defiled the sanctity of his home, wife and children merely because the…

Why Don’t You Leave A’isha Alone? 1920 1080 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Why Don’t You Leave A’isha Alone?

QUESTION: There are some who say that ‘Aisha is a family member, included amongst the Household of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon…

Is it obligatory for a former bakri to repeat his prayers? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Is it obligatory for a former bakri to repeat his prayers?

QUESTION: A Bakri that has converted, does he have to redo all of his religious duties from puberty until now, from prayers and fasting…

Why did you choose the color blue in your flag? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Why did you choose the color blue in your flag?

QUESTION: Peace be upon you with the blessings of God and his mercy. May Allah curse those who oppress the Ahlul-bait, they who have…

Is it permissible to call directly upon Imam Ali? 1920 1080 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Is it permissible to call directly upon Imam Ali?

QUESTION: Is it permissible to say, ‘Ya Ali enrich me’ or ‘cure me’? Or, should the phrase be altered to: O Allah! Verily I…

Is it permissible to enlist into a military? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Is it permissible to enlist into a military?

QUESTION: Is it permissible to enlist into a non-Muslim military (specifically the US Army)? Baqir ANSWER: In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the…

Do ‘Sunni’ narrations mention the distortion of the Quran? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Do ‘Sunni’ narrations mention the distortion of the Quran?

QUESTION: I just have one question. Are there any ‘Sunni’ narrations concerning the distortion of the holy Quran, or any of the so-called ‘Sunnis’…

What’s the ruling on he who opposes the cursing of the enemies of Lady Fatima? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

What’s the ruling on he who opposes the cursing of the enemies of Lady Fatima?

QUESTION: What’s the ruling on he who opposes the cursing of he who oppressed Lady Fatima (peace be upon her), such as ʻUmar (may…

Is Imamate higher in rank than Prophethood? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Is Imamate higher in rank than Prophethood?

QUESTION: Many Bakris ask me about Imamate and why it is higher in rank than Prophethood. Is there proof that Imamate is higher in…

Who compiled the Quran that is in our hands? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Who compiled the Quran that is in our hands?

QUESTION: Who compiled the Quran that we have with us today?  Is it missing any Surah or Ayaat? If it doesn’t miss any Ayaat,…

What is the Holy Spirit? How can it support the Infallible’s while they are of higher status? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

What is the Holy Spirit? How can it support the Infallible’s while they are of higher status?

QUESTION: What is the Holy Spirit? If it’s unknown, is it then logical that it is better than the Infallibles (may peace be upon…

How could Omar prevent the Prophet from writing his will? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

How could Omar prevent the Prophet from writing his will?

QUESTION: It is known among us that a little while before the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s blessings be upon him and his family)…

Did the Messenger of Allah insult Aisha the same way you do?! 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Did the Messenger of Allah insult Aisha the same way you do?!

QUESTION: Let’s say that I agree with you on the issue of the Prophet’s wife, Aisha; that she truly is how you describe in…

Are Abu Bakr and Umar lower in Hell than Satan? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Are Abu Bakr and Umar lower in Hell than Satan?

QUESTION: The Wahabi Nawasib took a part of your blessed lecture out of its context with the purpose of leading people astray. However, this…

Questions about Wilayat-ul-Faqih and Nasrullah 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Questions about Wilayat-ul-Faqih and Nasrullah

QUESTION: Wilayat al-Faqih has recorded in it a pro-Iranian book under the section of Doctrine, not as principles of faith. The book itself is…

What are the best sources of the Prophet’s biography? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

What are the best sources of the Prophet’s biography?

QUESTION: Where can I find the true biography of the Holy Prophet written by his sons? I go to websites like and can…

Would you dare curse the Prophet’s wife in front of him? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Would you dare curse the Prophet’s wife in front of him?

QUESTION: If you were alive during the era of the Prophet (may Allah blessings be upon him and his Family), would you have dared…

What are our duties in the time of occultation? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

What are our duties in the time of occultation?

QUESTION: What are the duties of those servants of Imam AL Mahdi (peace be upon him) in the time of occultation?  Nibras Al Banyasi…


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The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib