In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.
May Allah bless Muhammad and his Family and damn their enemies.
Sheikh al-Habib: “A Decisive Campaign Is Needed To Root Out Terror In Syria”
More than eight years ago, Sheikh al-Habib warned that it would be unwise to be satisfied with liberating Iraq from the clutches of the “Sunni” terrorist gangs that occupied it while their strongholds remained intact across the border. He called for the advance to continue across the borders deep into enemy lines to eradicate their strongholds, warning that leaving any areas within their controls would give them the opportunity to reorganise their ranks and relaunch their brutal attacks.
Today, after the recent events in Syria – which validated Sheikh’s warnings and concerns – his Eminence calls for a campaign that aims to root out the source of terror once and for all, even if that means a clash with regional powers such as Erdogan’s government in Turkey, and he warns, once again, against being satisfied with liberating Shia villages and towns and securing their people.
His Eminence wishes to remind us of what the Imam, the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) had established as the right course of action when he set out to fight the ancestors of these terrorists in the Battle of Siffin, when he said: “These people will not return to the [path of] righteousness, nor will they seek to find common ground between us, until warriors after warriors are hurled at them; and until battalions after battalions come after them; and until armies after armies flow through their homelands; and until [our] horses graze in their lands and descend upon their encampments; and until raids are launched against them from the deepest gaps; and until they are met by a sincere and unwavering people who are only strengthened by the demise of their killed and dead, who perished for the sake of God, to commit themselves further to earnestly obey God
Sheikh al-Habib