In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.
May Allah bless Muhammad and his Family and damn their enemies.
His Eminence, Sheikh al-Habib, strongly condemns “Hezbollah” for opening fire on the morning of Ashura near the shrine of Lady Zeinab (peace be upon her) in the Levant to terrorise and disperse the believers who gathered there to perform the scared bloodletting ritual. The aforementioned party took advantage of the presence of party members entrusted with the protection of the shrine, and instructed them to carry out this heinous crime to fulfil the desires of the tyrant, Ali Khamenei, to eliminate the revered Hussaini rituals.
The Sheikh considers this crime as blatant evidence that this group’s direction and beliefs are incompatible with, and contradictory to the direction and beliefs of the Master of the Martyrs, Imam Hussain (peace and blessings upon him). The Sheikh stated: ‘Since when was imposing fatwas upon others through coercion and terror by the force of arms the Hussaini approach? Is this anything but the policy of Yazid and the Umayyads? This is despite the fact that the alleged fatwa was issued by a non-qualified individual whose authority is not recognized by the religious authorities of the Hawzas. Conversely, fatwas recommending the bloodletting ritual were issued by the greatest grand religious authorities (i.e Marji’) of the past and the present, and it’s with their blessings that these bloodletting processions have marched for centuries towards the holy shrines to express grief and readiness to sacrifice one’s life and shed blood in support of the Household of Muhammad (peace be upon them).
His Eminence salutes the Hussaini faithful, whose courage and resolve in the face of treacherous bullets was shown in the footage, and stresses that these cowardly terrorist acts will not discourage the believers from continuing to carry out the revered Hussaini rituals, and will not lead to their subjection to the immoral Khamenei’s regime nor to his parties who have ridden the resistance bandwagon to garner sympathy and support; then, with all the power they have obtained, started pointing the barrels of their guns towards peaceful believers instead of pointing them exclusively at the Zionist enemy.
Sheikh al-Habib