What are some Du’a to recite during ablution to increase its reward?
In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.
May Allah bless Muhammad and his Family and damn their enemies.
There are some recommended supplications to be recited at the various stages of Wudu (i.e. Ablution) that increase its reward, these are:
When starting the actions of Wudu, when one’s eyes fall on water:
Bismi-llahi r-rahmani r-rahim, Alhamdulilahi al-lathi Ja’ala al-Ma’a Tahuran Wa Lam Yaj’alhu Najisa. Allahuma Sali Aala Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad.
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praise is due to Allah, who has made water purifying and not impure (Najis). May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.
While washing the hands before performing Wudu:
Bismillah Wa Billah Allahumma Ij’alni Minat Tawwabin Wa Ij’alni Minal Muta’tahireen.
In the name of Allah, O Lord, make me of those who repent and purify themselves.
While rinsing the mouth:
Allahumma Laqini Hujjati Yawma Alqak Wa Atliq Lisani Bithikrik.
O Lord, Dictate to me the principles of faith on the day I shall meet you and make my tongue fluent with your remembrance.
While sniffing water up the nose:
Allahumma La Tahrim Alaya Rihal Jannati Wa Ij’alni Mimman Yashummu Rihaha Wa Rawhaha Wa Tibaha.
O Lord, do not deprive me of the fragrance of Paradise, and make me of those who smell its fragrance and pleasant scent.
While washing the face:
Allahumma Bayyidh Wajhi Yawma Taswaddu Fihil Wujuh Wala Tusawwid Wajhi Yawma Tabyyadhu Fihil Wujuh.
O Lord, Make my face bright on the day when the faces shall turn dark, and do not darken my face on the day when the faces are turned bright.
While pouring water over the right hand:
Allahumma A’tini Kitabi Bi Yamini Wal Khulda Fil Jinani Bi Yasari Wa Hasibni Hisaban Yasira.
O Lord, Give me my book [of deeds] in my right hand, and an eternal stay in Paradise in my left, and make my reckoning an easy one.
While pouring water over the left hand:
Allahumma La Tu’tini Kitabi Bi Shimali Wala Min Wara’i Dhahri Wala Taj’alha Maghlulatan Ila Unuqi Wa A’uothu Bika Min Muqata’atin Niran.
O Lord, Do not give me my book [of deeds] in my left hand, nor from behind my back, nor chain it to my neck. I seek refuge in You from the Hellfire!
While wiping the head:
Allahumma Ghashini Bi Rahmatika Wa Barakatika Wa Afwik.
O Lord, cover me with Your mercy, blessings and forgiveness.
While wiping the feet:
Allahumma Thabbitni Alas Sirati Yawma Tazillu Fihi al-Aqdam, Waj’al Sa’yi Fima Yurdhika Anni Ya Dhal Jalali Wal Ikram.
O Lord, Keep me firm on Sirat on the day on which the feet shall slip, and help me in my efforts to do things which shall please You, O Glorious and Mighty!
The Office of Sheikh al-Habib