The ‘Sunnis’ claim that the Shi’as, especially those in Iraq, killed Imam Al-Hussain (peace be upon him), and it is their guilt and shame that leads them to weep and beat themselves for him. Is there any truth to these claims?
In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.
May Allah bless Muhammad and his Family and damn their enemies.
It is quite hard to believe that such a ridiculous claim has become widespread and parroted back by so many ‘Sunnis.’
Suppose we use the same logic for forming decisions and perceptions they use. Can we say that the people of Makkah, Hejaz, and the Arabian Peninsula are guilty because their ancestors fought against the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) who then killed his uncle Hamza (peace be upon him)? Naturally, the response would be along the lines of: ‘’It was our ancestors who committed these crimes, not us. We are believers.’’ If that is the case, how do you blame the Shi’a for the death of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him)?
In the same context, we can also say that *you people’* were the ones who fled during the battles of Uhud and Hunayn and left the Prophet (peace be upon him and family) on his own with a few faithful ones around him. It was your betrayal that put the life of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his pure family) when he was surrounded and wounded, his sacred beard drenched with his blood. We expect them to deflect the blame on the so-called ‘’Sahaba’’ (companions) of the Prophet and then defend them by saying that those companions later showed remorse for their shameful retreat. Of course, the ‘Sunnis’ would say that they cannot be blamed because they did not participate in the battle, and the companions were wrong for fleeing. But it was these very companions who are the ‘’heroes’’ and the role models that the ‘Sunnis’ take their faith from, so does that not mean they condoned the people whose retreat put the Prophet’s life at risk and all but caused the complete annihilation of Islam?
And as such, we can confidently say that we did not kill Imam al-Hussain (peace be upon him), but the ones who participated in that atrocious crime were you, the Nawasib ‘Sunnis’, the followers of Bani Umayah. It is still you because you are loyal and committed to those characters.
They might say that some of you people are the descendants of those criminals; we can safely reply that if some of us are their descendants, then we denounce them and curse them and their deeds. However, you would not dare and do the same and denounce those who fled. No, you would rather protect the false image of the ‘’unbreakable’’, ‘’loyal’’ and ‘’just’’ companions than dissociate from them for clearly risking the future of Islam and the life of the Prophet (peace and blessings upon him and his pure family) to save their own hides. How do you justify the act that caused great harm to the Prophet – that you claim to love more than anything – just to protect that false image?
We sometimes do wonder who your Prophet is? Is it Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family)? Or is it the likes of Umar? Is Islam the religion of the likes of Umar, Abu Bakr, and other hypocrites, or is the religion of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him and his pure family)?
Crossing your arms when you pray, dropping Haya ala Khair al-A’amal from Adhan (call to prayer), praying Taraweeh in the month of Ramadan, washing your feet in Wuthou (ablution), saying ‘’Ameen’’ in your prayer, and the many other acts of so-called worship that were either prohibited to do by the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him and his pure family) or are innovations by the so-called companions.
So, no, the Shi’a are not guilty of killing Imam Hussain (peace be upon him); it was many of those who you regard highly and take your faith from who are responsible. We will never stop mourning his loss because his tragedy is unlike any, and it was only brought about because there were people like you in his time who followed and, for lack of a better word, worshipped the false idols who betrayed the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him and his pure family)
The Office of Sheikh al-Habib