In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.
May Allah bless Muhammad and his Family and damn their enemies.
Sheikh al-Habib condemns in the strongest terms the heinous crimes of the terrorist Nasibi groups who carried out a suicide attack targetting Shi’a worshippers in a mosque in Pakistan, which led to over 50 believers being martyred and almost 200 injured, with some in a critical condition.
His Eminence regards this barbaric act as another reminder of the hideous and bloodthirsty nature of the so-called Sunni faith that contains within its doctrines what permits its followers the killing of innocents, even while they worship in one of the houses of Allah, Exalted be He.
Furthermore, Sheikh al-Habib holds the Pakistani government, whose response has been woefully lacking towards the ever-growing threat of extremist ‘Sunni’ groups – who have been publicly calling for the shedding of the blood of the Shi’a – responsible for these crimes. The weak Pakistani government has allowed terrorist organisations to go unchecked while claiming lands and special tribal positions, further weakening its authority and influence while targeting Shi’a minorities.
His Eminence reaffirms his belief that not even the most minor Shi’a individual would be shaken by these cowardly and treacherous attacks because, as history has shown, the Shi’a individual has grown accustomed to the spilling of his blood for the sake of Allah and his Purified Authorities (peace be upon them). And in situations like these, Sheikh al-Habib is constantly reminded of the words of Imam Ali (peace be upon him): ‘’[Those] left behind by the sword [shall become] many, and their progeny more numerous.’’
We ask Allah’s mercy and eternal reward for our noble martyrs and a speedy recovery for the wounded and maimed. We also pray for the safety and security of the Shi’a people of Pakistan and a just reprisal for the deeds of the terrorists; may Allah disgrace them.
Sheikh al-Habib