Sheikh al-Habib denounces the oppressive Saudi regime

Sheikh al-Habib denounces the oppressive Saudi regime

Sheikh al-Habib denounces the oppressive Saudi regime 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.
May Allah bless Muhammad and his Family and damn their enemies.

Sheikh al-Habib denounces the oppressive Saudi regime who, as a continuation of their sustained and historical curbs on religious freedoms and practices, have issued a law preventing individuals from attaining the honour of visiting the shrine of Holy Prophet’s (God’s prayer upon him and his family) more than once a year. 

Sheikh al-Habib: ‘This is yet another grave crime, an unforgivable transgression, an act of oppression, and an assault on the religious freedoms of Muslims in the land of the Sacred Two Shrines; the land which holds the honour of being the site of the Revelation, and the resting place of the Master of the Prophets (God’s prayer upon him and his family).

It is unthinkable that a Muslim fellow would be content with visiting the holy shrine of their greatest Prophet (God’s prayer upon him and his family) only once a year. A Muslim’s heart is forever attached to Aba al-Qasim [the Prophet] (God’s prayer upon him and his family), always seeking refuge underneath his sacred dome and near his holy grave, for it is this closeness that grants one God’s mercy and forgiveness; it is where one’s belief is elevated to greater heights. Could anyone have possibly imagined that such limitations would be placed upon them for visiting the prophet of this nation (God’s prayers upon him and his family)? 

What dared Mohammed Bin Salman to make such a decision? No doubt he was emboldened by people’s silence; their inability to confront and resist his oppression. He was emboldened by people’s inaction and unwillingness to carry out the duty of prohibiting wrongdoing, and to stand up to their oppressor by confronting him with the truth of his tyranny. This immoral, malignant boy, Mohammed bin Salman, who aims to spread corruption in the Muhammadian Peninsula, on the one hand is very interested in promoting immorality. On the other, he is actively limiting religious freedoms, and placing curbs on the practices and rituals of our faith. He is all too willing to allow people to attend debauched concerts, not once, not twice, but all year long and without limits. However, if you want to visit the shrine of the Chosen Prophet (God’s prayer upon him and his family), then there’s a thousand conditions, including having to be listed in a special app which only allows you to visit again once 365 days have passed.

As a response to this unprecedented and dangerous transgression, Sheikh al-Habib calls upon the people to revolt, with all that entails. The family of Al Saud have committed far too many crimes. In the past they had placed limits on visiting the shrines of the Imams of Guidance (peace be upon them) in al-Baqi’. Today, this contemptuous son of theirs has come along and put limits on visiting the Master of Creation’s (God’s prayer upon him and his family) shrine, so what more are you going to wait for before you act? This call is directed towards the true Muslims, the Shi’a of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), the honourable Rafida, to liaise with their religious authorities and leaders and to discuss and plan the best ways possible to topple the regime of Al Saud. 

To allow this regime to stand is to allow faith to be destroyed in the Peninsula of Muhamad (God’s prayer upon him and his family).  

Sheikh al-Habib

The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib