
What does ‘Nasibi’ mean?

What does ‘Nasibi’ mean? 1920 1080 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

QUESTION: May peace be upon you. You said in one of your blessed Islamic lectures that a ‘Nasibi’ is he…

Why did the Prophet marry a woman from the cursed tree?

Why did the Prophet marry a woman from the cursed tree? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

QUESTION: Bani-Umayya is the cursed tree that is to abide in Hellfire, as mentioned by the Qur’an. However, why did…

Did the Imams curse their enemies by name?

Did the Imams curse their enemies by name? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

QUESTION: I was discussing with a Shi’a about Abu Bakr, Omar, Uthman and Aisha. He said to me: “I challenge…

What is the evidence for celebrating death anniversaries of certain individuals?

What is the evidence for celebrating death anniversaries of certain individuals? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

QUESTION: What is the evidence for celebrating the death anniversaries of certain individuals in history (e.g. Abu Bakr, Umar, etc.)?…

Did the Messenger of Allah insult Aisha the same way you do?!

Did the Messenger of Allah insult Aisha the same way you do?! 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

QUESTION: Let’s say that I agree with you on the issue of the Prophet’s wife, Aisha; that she truly is…

Why did Imam Ali not take Aisha as a war-captive?

Why did Imam Ali not take Aisha as a war-captive? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

QUESTION: Why didn’t Imam Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) take the women in Aisha’s army as captives of…

Did Aisha have a real Islamic Hijab?

Did Aisha have a real Islamic Hijab? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

QUESTION: Did Aisha have a real Islamic Hijab?  Sayed Haidari ANSWER: In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.May…

Why did the Prophet call Aisha a ‘Humaira’?

Why did the Prophet call Aisha a ‘Humaira’? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

QUESTION: What is the true meaning of the word ‘Humaira’? Did the Prophet really call Aisha so because she had…

Would you dare curse the Prophet’s wife in front of him?

Would you dare curse the Prophet’s wife in front of him? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

QUESTION: If you were alive during the era of the Prophet (may Allah blessings be upon him and his Family),…

Which sources mention Fatima’s saying “Then fight the leaders of disbelief”?

Which sources mention Fatima’s saying “Then fight the leaders of disbelief”? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

QUESTION: When I search for the Fadak sermon by the Mistress Al-Zahra (peace be upon her) on the Internet and…

The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib