What can one do to meet the Imam?

What can one do to meet the Imam?

What can one do to meet the Imam? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib


What can one do to have a chance of meeting or being given the opportunity to meet with the Imam of our time (peace be upon him)? Is there a plan of worship for helping meeting with the Imam of our time, and is it tested?


In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.
May Allah bless Muhammad and his Family and damn their enemies.

In consultation with Sheikh al-Habib, If you follow the following actions with solid intentions, then Allah willing, you will get your goal.

• Fasting for 40 consecutive days. One’s Suhoor (meal before commencing the fast) and Iftar (break of the fast) in those 40 days should be only made of vegetables and fruits. Hence, no meat for 40 days, but on the 41st day, meat must be consumed in order to avoid making one’s heart touched by heartlessness, as advised by our Imams (peace be upon them).

• To perform the Night Prayer regularly

• To recite Ziarat al Jamia’a regularly.

• To recite Ziarat Ashoura for 40 days on a specific time with 100 Laanat (curses) and 100 Salams (peace-wishing), with a two-Rak’a (two-unit) prayer for Ziara, followed by Dua Alqama whilst facing the direction of Karbala, and that your intention for reading the supplication is to seek your meeting with the Imam of our time (peace be upon him).

• Refraining from materialistic and idle talk during this period of 40 days and increasing one’s silence as well as keeping eyesight away from what one must not watch

• Reading Dua al ‘Ahad for 40 mornings. Allah willing, you will gain your reward and win the ultimate prize of meeting the Imam.

Also, going to the As-Sahla Mosque in Kufa and requesting in your regular prayers and supplications to meet with the Imam (peace be upon him) is another passport into that desired moment of meeting the Imam of our time (peace be upon him)

The Office of Sheikh al-Habib

The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib