In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.
May Allah bless Muhammad and his Family and damn their enemies.
Islam orders us to bring down the symbols of falsehood, deviation and hypocrisy that subverted the path of this Muslim Nation and the image of our great religion. This is the course of action laid down by its role models and pioneers, the Holy Infallible Imams (peace be upon them), the righteous and pious ones from among their companions and the scholars who were steadfast on the path of the truth, regardless of any adversity or harsh consequence it begot them. We are part of this tradition.
The Rafidi revolution, which is based on the rejection of falsehood, is almost as old as the Muslim Nation. The movement started on the day of Saqifah when the Rafida spoke out against the symbols of the coup d’état who went directly against the explicit orders of the Holy Prophet and his Purified Progeny (peace be upon them).
Yet, you claim that what we do what is not from the manners of the Ahl-ul-Bayt (peace be upon them). We then demand that you present your evidence as to how this is the case. From our side, we have proved that this approach is indeed in line with their teachings and example. We specifically proved this during a series of daily lectures on the topic of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him), which were broadcasted on the blessed channel of Fadak TV in the first ten days of the month of Muharram, that they harshly discredited and rejected Abu Bakr, Omar and Aisha. We did so by examining several instances that can be found in narrations.
Therefore when you claim that what we do is not of the manner of the Ahl-ul-Bayt (peace be upon them), then you are being delusional.
We urge you to go and research this topic; do not be content with crumbs of incomplete, superficial knowledge. This type of ignorance is precisely what we are fighting to eradicate, whether it be found in the Shia or ‘Sunni’ communities, or those who claim to be Shia. We encourage you to research and evaluate the conclusions we are presenting to you critically. Whatever you find useful, hold on to, anything else you may reject.
You also claim that raising this matter creates hostility needlessly. Give me one example of a Prophet whose mission did not cause ill feelings; give me one example. There is not a single Prophet who launched his mission without displeasing some section of the community he was sent to; that was to be expected. This is because his nation was used to certain values, idolatry being one of them, and was rigid and unwilling to implement any sort of change. This stood in complete opposition to the Prophet’s mission and would inevitably lead to clashes between the Prophet and the people to whom he was sent. This would then result in bloodshed.
Take the example of Jesus Christ and the Israelites, who had adopted corrupted religious beliefs, much like the ‘Sunnis’ nowadays. The religion of Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) had been altered so Jesus was sent to take the Israelites back to the basics of the religion. His efforts were however met with enmity, and he (peace be upon him) and his followers were severely persecuted. The Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his family) and his Rightful Successor also faced persecution in their mission.
Imam Ali (peace be upon him) also started a mission of reform to set right the wrong state of affairs and corrupt values that took hold among the Muslim Nation and its understanding and practice of Islam. The Imam (peace be upon him) sought to eradicate the deviations introduced by the governments for Abu Bakr, Omar and Uthman. This is why three war campaigns were waged against him, leading to bloodshed. Brothers fought on opposing sides; Muhajir bin Khalid bin Waleed (who was on Imam Ali’s Side) fought Abd-ur-Rehman ibn Khalid ibn Waleed (who was on Muawiya’s Side) in the Battle of Siffin. Imam Ali could have saved the people from that bloodshed by simply abandoning his mission. He knew what would happen if he stood for the truth, but he had a mission to fulfil.
You are faced with a choice; you can either give up religion and it will be lost, or you can sacrifice your blood, thus saving the religion. Which one is more important? Who is supposed to make the sacrifice? Should religion be sacrificed on the altar of this world, or should we be willing and able to sacrifice ourselves for the religion? We should be willing and prepared to make the sacrifice for the religion.
If the path of the religion of Mohammed does not become straightened except by me being murdered, then, O Swords take me away!
This was how a poet powerfully depicted the philosophy of the Revolution of Imam Hussein.
So let there be bad feelings! This is not my responsibility. Allah Almighty has ordered the believers to call to the truth and this is my duty as a believer. As the Quran in Surat al Hijr instructs us:
Then loudly declare what you are commanded and turn away from the polytheists. Indeed, we are sufficient for you, against the mockers
Quran 15: 95-96
And how many mockers do we have today? Regrettably, those who mock us do not know what is in my heart. I only have a few words for them. On Judgment Day you will be fully aware of the magnitude of your transgression and the sort of person you have been unjust towards. You will witness it with your very own eyes. You do not know what is in my heart; it is my duty to call to the truth and strive to set right all that went wrong after Saqifah. As a result of those events, a corrupted image of religion is now widespread and religion is seen as a path of deviation. This is what we are at war with.
We are fighting with academic evidence to prove our point; this is a war based on lines of reasoning, on claims and counterclaims. If the opposing side wanted to take this war into a real combat situation where blood was spilt on the streets, then the fault would lie with the actions and approach of the other side, not mine.
When the Prophet of Islam launched his mission, he stood up against deviation. Issues arose when the other side proved unable to offer any sound counterclaim to his message by words and intellectual evidence. Were they ready to debate the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family)? Were they able to bring forth any sound counter-evidence that their pagan religion was the true religion and the right path? Were they ready to do so? No! They, therefore, had to resort to lies, claiming the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) was a poet, magician, insane, etc. Mockery and slander were their weapons of choice. They claimed that he was the son of Abi Kabsha, the orphan of Abi Talib and Abdul Muttalib. When their efforts were thwarted, they resorted to physical violence and fought him with swords.
The Prophet was commanded to loudly and boldly declare his orders and message. If the opponents wanted to take up arms, which compels you to sacrifice blood from your side, then you are compelled to see such bad feelings develop. The other party is guilty and not you. You have to move forward.
Imam Ali had to face the same predicament, and our Imam (may Allah hasten his reappearance), will face the same situation when he will appear. History will repeat itself. The Imam will come to eradicate deviation, not to wage war. Let us assume for a moment that he will appear soon, Allah willing. If the ‘Sunni’ governments, parties and other sects were to embrace his call and submit to his orders, there would be no bloodshed at all. Not a single drop of blood would be shed.
Tension will escalate, however, when the Imam will declare himself the One ordered by Allah Almighty and his Grandfather, the Prophet of Islam, to lead the nation and to set matters right. This course of action will result in all the Devilish forces of the earth to gather in the form of governments, regimes, armies and parties to fight the Imam, thereby putting him in a situation where he will be compelled to fight back.
Do you think that if the Imam (may Allah hasten his reappearance) was to reappear, the Saudi Royal Family would just cross their legs sitting comfortably? No! They will take up arms and employ all their financial and military power to fight the Imam (peace be upon him). The rest of the ‘Sunni’ regimes would follow.
What’s more, our narrations reveal that even some regimes that claim Shiism (Batris) will do the same. 16,000 swords will face the Imam in Iraq only, shouting
Go Back, O son of Fatima, we do not need you! We are using Taqiya!
We want to safeguard the same concept of Taqiya that was narrated by Imam Sadiq (peace be upon them):
They will tell the Imam (peace be upon him):
You are going to cause bad feelings and antagonism, we do not need bad feelings, we do not need ordeals, we do not need problems, we do not want people to die and we do not want a civil war. So go back, Oh Imam! We do not need you, we are in Taqiya!
According to Imam al-Sadiq, the so-called Shias in Iraq would say that to him. The Batris in Iraq would do that, not all the Shia, and the honourable Shia will support the Imam (peace be upon him). True orthodox, Rafidi Shias will support him. But for a group, I seek refuge in Allah!
A group who will tell the Imam:
We know what is the best for the public interest, we will not let you go ahead.
Imam al-Sadiq said:
Taqiya will be more dear to you in your hearts more than your fathers and mothers.
This is how weak you have become. The Imam will also be compelled to deal with those who took up arms against him with equal measure.
We are facing the same predicament in this country in this day and age, as we want to let people know the real important matters of history and religion. I do not want to see Muslims die not knowing who killed their Prophet (peace be upon him and his family). I have a religious duty to disclose the Truth and I specifically tackled this topic in-depth in a series of seven lectures held on the commemoration of the martyrdom of the Prophet (peace be upon him). I presented evidence that the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) was poisoned and murdered by the unfaithful Aisha and Hafsa by the orders of their respective treacherous fathers, namely Abu Bakr and Omar, who conspired against the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family). I showed many clear pieces of evidence from our sources and theirs alike. I want the truth of who was behind the most heinous crime in history to come to light and become apparent to all Muslims. That is my aim. No one has the right to stop me, on the basis that it would cause enmity. Let that happen. Why should I be held accountable for that?
Should I then cease my defence of the Prophet and my quest to uncover the truth – which is a historical fact – because of a few who do not want to hear and fiercely oppose it? So they defend them and start to cause hostilities and problems. They kill and wage war and shed blood. It is their guilt and not ours, you have to blame them for their actions and not us. Otherwise, if we want to make for ourselves this ruling, as to have to give up on anything that causes bad feelings and antagonism, let us give up on everything then.
Let’s now look at the current situation in Iraq, where bloodbaths have continued to take place since the downfall of Saddam. Massacres, roadside bombs, explosions and assassinations are targeting the Shia. On what basis? One reason is the fact that the Shia have finally been able to gain political power in the country. This is something the Nasibi side cannot accept.
There has truly been a 180-degree change. The same TV channel that used to broadcast Saddam Hussein day and night is now broadcasting the call to prayer
I testify that Ali is the Viceregent of Allah.
I am not praising the Iraqi TV, I am just helping you understand what the Nawasib have been witnessing over the few past decades. They turn on the Iraqi TV and compare it with how it was during the time of Saddam. Nowadays the Iraqi TV shows:
I testify that Ali is the Viceregent of Allah.
They see the TV programmers covered in the colours of the various occasions in the Shia calendar. Black during Ashura, green on Ghadeer, red on the remembrance of Mubahala or on the Birth of an Imam (peace be upon him) and so on. On the Day of Ashura, they see that there is a live broadcast from Karbala, recitation of stories of lamentations, ceremonies, masses of people in record numbers in gatherings and processions. This is something they cannot stand.
The only way for the antagonism and the massacres in Iraq to come to an end is for the Shia to give up any political influence they hold in the country and hand power back to Nawasib. Not a single explosion would take place, not even one. Yes, they would kill any Shia afterwards who rebels against their authority or becomes a thorn on their side. If you were to rebel and make another uprising in Iraq, they would murder you, because they would want to maintain a power structure with them at the top. However, if any Shia was to ally with them, on the condition of becoming their humiliated slaves, they would embrace and welcome them. The majority in the Baath Party were Shia, were they not? Even in posts of leadership, there were Shias. Wasn’t Sahaf a Shia? Musaylima Al Sahaf, the Charlatan, he was a Shia, and many others were also Shia by identity. They had Senior Political Party Shia Figures, who also cried for Imam al Hussein whenever there was held a gathering. When it was held a gathering, they also shed tears. But this is not true Shiism and neither were these true Shias. These are undignified and enslaved people. Anyhow, at that time there were no explosions. It was safe in Iraq.
It is safe now in Pakistan for example. The Shia live there, but with a lack of pride and dignity. If they ever think of standing up to demand legitimate rights or seek justice for any atrocity or crime committed against them, they will end up facing the same situation their Bahraini counterparts are facing in a country where they are the majority. This is even though a state is supposed to treat all citizens with justice regardless of their ideological views. The alternative facing the Shia of Pakistan is then for them to live in subjugation, exploited by Nawasib and ‘Sunnis’. We have sadly become accustomed to hearing daily of Shias being mistreated and killed by an unjust government who feels threatened whenever they try to stand up for their rights and dignity. And this is bound to continue, as the Nawasib cannot tolerate that Shias will defend themselves or their religion and want them to live as undignified, classless citizens in their own country under the domination of corrupted scholars. The very same corrupted scholars who will openly mock and insult their sentiments in some blasphemous way or another on the pulpits of their mosques.
The irony is that those very same corrupted scholars wear the clerical robes and attire of their sect. Yet when a Shia stands up to defend their own beliefs, the state – which is on the path of corruption, injustice and tyranny towards all its citizens – will clamp down most harshly. On the media, whenever they wish, they will openly attack Shia sentiments, and also in daily life and public discourse, this poisoning of the minds against them will manifest and show its ugly results now and then. The only Shias who are getting killed are those who take a stand for their beliefs and legitimate rights. None kills a Batri or a short-doer!
The Office of Sheikh al-Habib