IMAM ALI (Peace Be Upon Him)
"Ask in order to understand, do not ask in order to find faults"


What is the Holy Spirit? How can it support the Infallible’s while they are of higher status?

What is the Holy Spirit? How can it support the Infallible’s while they are of higher status? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

QUESTION: What is the Holy Spirit? If it’s unknown, is it then logical that it is better than the Infallibles (may peace be upon them) so that it may help to aim the Infallibles and give them success? ANSWER: In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.May Allah bless Muhammad and his Family and damn their enemies. Just so…

Questions regarding irfan

Questions regarding irfan 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

QUESTION: What exists through Him”, “what exists upon Him, or something along the lines of that. What’s the difference between them? Regarding waḥdat al-wujūd and waḥdat al-mawjūd, they’re forbidden, correct? What is the meaning of the two terms? And secondly, for those who belong to Shi’ism and believe in them, What is prescribed for them in this life and in…

Would you dare curse the Prophet’s wife in front of him?

Would you dare curse the Prophet’s wife in front of him? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

QUESTION: If you were alive during the era of the Prophet (may Allah blessings be upon him and his Family), would you have dared to curse his wife in front of him? The lover of Hassan and Hussain. ANSWER: In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.May Allah bless Muhammad and his Family and damn their enemies. After the…

Which Shi’a books mention the assault on Fatima?

Which Shi’a books mention the assault on Fatima? 1920 1080 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

QUESTION: What are the historical Shiite books that talk about the attack on the house of Lady Al-Zahra? May Allah give you success. Ali ANSWER: In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.May Allah bless Muhammad and his Family and damn their enemies. The Sheikh said that they are many, among which are: The book of Sulaim, son of…

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How could Omar prevent the Prophet from writing his will? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

How could Omar prevent the Prophet from writing his will?

QUESTION: It is known among us that a little while before the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s blessings be upon him and his family)…

Do aliens exist? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Do aliens exist?

QUESTION: Do aliens exist and what is the interpretation of these verses: Is not He Who created the heavens and the earth able to…

Is it permissible to enlist into a military? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Is it permissible to enlist into a military?

QUESTION: Is it permissible to enlist into a non-Muslim military (specifically the US Army)? Baqir ANSWER: In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the…

Can you guide us to Shi’a books about the Holy Qur’an? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Can you guide us to Shi’a books about the Holy Qur’an?

QUESTION: There are many Shia books about the sciences of the Holy Qur’an and its laws, however many of them rely upon or copy…

What are the best sources of the Prophet’s biography? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

What are the best sources of the Prophet’s biography?

QUESTION: Where can I find the true biography of the Holy Prophet written by his sons? I go to websites like and can…

Why do we raise our hands to the sky while there is no physical place for Allah? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Why do we raise our hands to the sky while there is no physical place for Allah?

QUESTION: What’s the philosophy behind raising the hands to the sky or looking at it while praying or when we say Ya Allah ?…

Why did Ali stay silent for over 20 years if his rights were truly usurped? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Why did Ali stay silent for over 20 years if his rights were truly usurped?

QUESTION: Why did Ali stay silent for over 20 years if his rights were truly usurped? ANSWER: In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent,…

Is marriage with a Christian woman permitted? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Is marriage with a Christian woman permitted?

QUESTION: Is it permissible for a Shi’i Muslim to marry a Christian woman? And if he marries her, is it obligatory upon him to…

Did Ahlul-Bayt mention the 3rd testimony in the call to prayer? 1920 1080 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Did Ahlul-Bayt mention the 3rd testimony in the call to prayer?

QUESTION: Has it been reported anything of our Noble Messenger (may Allah’s blessings be upon him and his family), or the Commander of the…

Questions about Wilayat-ul-Faqih and Nasrullah 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Questions about Wilayat-ul-Faqih and Nasrullah

QUESTION: Wilayat al-Faqih has recorded in it a pro-Iranian book under the section of Doctrine, not as principles of faith. The book itself is…

What does ‘Nasibi’ mean? 1920 1080 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

What does ‘Nasibi’ mean?

QUESTION: May peace be upon you. You said in one of your blessed Islamic lectures that a ‘Nasibi’ is he who places Abu Bakr…

Why do you condemn the Sahaba, when the Qur’an praises them? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Why do you condemn the Sahaba, when the Qur’an praises them?

QUESTION: Shall we believe your words in condemnation of the Sahaba, or shall we believe the Book of Allah that praises them? Allah (Exalted…

What is the rank of Bilal bin Rabah? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

What is the rank of Bilal bin Rabah?

QUESTION: What is the reality of Bilal, son of Rabah? Was he one of the befrienders of Ahlul-Bayt (may peace be upon them)? We…

Why did the Prophet not act against Abu Bakr & Umar? 150 150 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Why did the Prophet not act against Abu Bakr & Umar?

QUESTION: If the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s blessings be upon him and his family) knew about the wickedness of Abu Bakr and Omar,…

How is Allah going to judge those who are born in a non-Muslim environment? 1920 1080 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

How is Allah going to judge those who are born in a non-Muslim environment?

QUESTION: How to solve this issue: Allah (Exalted is He) creates a person from two disbelieving parents in a land far away from Muslims…

Is it true that there are no 313 sincerely righteous believers? 1920 1080 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Is it true that there are no 313 sincerely righteous believers?

QUESTION: Is the following statement right or not? The fact that there are no righteous, upright, brave, fearless and virtuous 313 believers on earth…

Is it obligatory for a former bakri to repeat his prayers? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Is it obligatory for a former bakri to repeat his prayers?

QUESTION: A Bakri that has converted, does he have to redo all of his religious duties from puberty until now, from prayers and fasting…

Who is “al-Awwal” referred to in Ziyarat Ashura? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Who is “al-Awwal” referred to in Ziyarat Ashura?

QUESTION: Who is referred to “al-Awwal” in the part: Allahumma khussa anta awwala zaalemin.. in Ziyarat Ashura? ANSWER: In the Name of Allah, the…

Why did you choose the color blue in your flag? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Why did you choose the color blue in your flag?

QUESTION: Peace be upon you with the blessings of God and his mercy. May Allah curse those who oppress the Ahlul-bait, they who have…

Which Shi’a books mention the assault on Fatima? 1920 1080 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

Which Shi’a books mention the assault on Fatima?

QUESTION: What are the historical Shiite books that talk about the attack on the house of Lady Al-Zahra? May Allah give you success. Ali…

What is the Holy Spirit? How can it support the Infallible’s while they are of higher status? 834 469 The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib

What is the Holy Spirit? How can it support the Infallible’s while they are of higher status?

QUESTION: What is the Holy Spirit? If it’s unknown, is it then logical that it is better than the Infallibles (may peace be upon…


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The Office Of His Eminence Sheikh al-Habib